"Time to grow up. There are no gods. Our closest deities are a society of the richest, most influential men in existence. Men who fuck over the rest of us for profit, for fun, and then leave us in the streets for dead."
"Perhaps you saw what place our universe plays in the scheme of things--as no more than an atom in a blade of grass. Could it be that everything we can perceive, from the microscopic virus to the distant Horsehead Nebula, is contained in one blade of grass that may have existed for only a single season in an alien time-flow? What if that blade should be cut off by a scythe?"
Walter Padick - Muž v čiernom
"Ja som jej rozumel, veril som jej a mal ju rád ako svojho najdrahšieho priateľa. Nič z toho sa nezmenilo a ani to nemohlo zmeniť niečo také bezvýznamné ako jej pohlavie, farba kože alebo sexuálna orientácia."